Wednesday, December 3, 2008

First post

I wanted to share photos of Gabby with friends and share our adventures of building in the woods. Our good friend, Nancy, introduced us to Blog Spot and we thought we'd give it a try.

About our house...
Today we got heat. That is very exciting news these days. Of course, it would be 80 degrees on the day we get heat. :) Gabby's down for a nap after a day of "helping" me organize and clean our mess we call home. It's very tiring work for her and she let me know it was "night night" time. For those who haven't been out yet, we're living upstairs in our house. I have all but one bathroom painted upstairs. We don't have any interior doors yet and we just painted the plywood floor we have down (that gets rid of splinters and covers up the mess from the paint and mud splashes from the sheet-rockers) as a means of "dealing" until we can afford to get our flooring put in upstairs. Downstairs, I almost have all of the concrete stained. We just have to put down the protective coating in our Master Suite and we can start moving stuff in downstairs. I like the way the concrete staining turned out. It kind of looks like shiny leather. The color turned out copper. I'm trying to decide what colors to paint the wall and want to stay away from the obvious earth tones that go great with copper. I'm looking at several colors but no decision yet. Our bedroom will be a burnt red with accents of chocolate brown. That, I have decided. For everywhere else, either a goldish color, or a blue gray, or olive. I don't know for now... We have appliances but no cabinets yet. I started cooking last week and it's very tricky without spaces to prep on.

About our little sweetie....
Monday night, Gabby stayed the night with Mimi and Popi. She'd been wanting to for a while and tries to cling to them when they leave, but I just miss our little booger when she's gone. So, I let her go this time and it was VERY hard, mostly hard at night b/c I like to check in on her and see that she fell asleep safe and sound.... and maybe a few times later to make sure she's still breathing :) I have to keep reminding myself my parents raised six kids without my help.... all are still breathing and well today. :) She was so happy to stay with them and she was more than fine. I, on the other hand, just about had a heart attack. I was happy to see her on Tuesday. I think she missed us, too, but it's hard to tell. Mimi and Popi are just so much fun :) Gabby turned two on November 14th, it's so unbelievable. We had a small get together on Saturday with family and freinds to celebrate. Gabby liked roasting marshmellows and seeing everyone.

Well, that's it for now. Hope you are doing well and are enjoying the day.

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